Pablo Sandoval comes in w/ opposite mentality

Will Middlebrooks is the future of the Boston Red Sox. The dude is gonna hit like 30 ding dongs per season for the next 20 years. Yeah, he’s gonna be great.

What? No. What do you mean he’s not the Red Sox third baseman? Oh, sorry folks, wrong year. It’s 2017 and Pablo Sandoval is amid the third year of the worst contract in Boston Red Sox history. He hasn’t proven that otherwise. He’s still a bum as far as the box scores go. But hey, at least he’s not arrogant on day 1 this season. That’s progress.

Oh my! He mentioned the fans! What a great guy! MVP 2017. Book it. All I can say is calm down Red Sox stans.

He looks slimmer this season, so that’s a plus..,

Look. Sandoval has to win this starting third base job. There’s legit nothing behind him. Brock Holt is a poor defensive third baseman. Josh Rutledge is Josh Rutledge. Then there’s the minor leagues. But the Sox paid a dude $19 mil to be playing the spot, so it’s got to be a productive spot. That’s why Sandoval is making the big bucks.

If you were wondering what Sandoval weighs right now, good look. He’s not gonna give that one away. Apparently, he doesn’t care about that. Or, he just doesn’t want to say. Why would he? He’s still overweight. He looks slimmer. But his height and weight still probably adds up to an obese BMI. But then again, BMI’s are a terrible way to show if someone is fat.

This spring, here’s what you’ve got to watch for. Can Sandoval field a ground ball? Does he have range? These are the types of things we need to be looking at because ERA and batting average don’t matter in spring training. Just ask Cy Young Award winner Rick Porcello — or David Ortiz.

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