Climbing Brooklyn Boulders

With the popularity of rock climbing continuing to rise, places like Brooklyn Boulders in Somerville are designed to cater to people interested in rock climbing. Before you start climbing Brooklyn Boulders, here are a few things you should know.

  1. Brooklyn Boulders is at Somerville and they have added amenities and upgraded their climbing options, including one of the largest bouldering walls in the country. If you’re new to rock climbing then, bouldering is a form of climbing that’s done without a rope, from lower heights and for shorter distances.
  2. If you’re interested in trying a hand at rock climbing or if you want to retain your skills then Brooklyn Boulders is a great place to start. They offer premium-training options for advanced climbers and variety of climbing training options beginners.
  3. Along with enhancing or learning a new skill, Brooklyn Boulders is a friendly place that will provide you with an opportunity to mingle with fellow climbers. You will need a lot of practice and be patient to learn rock climbing and you’ll certainly bond with others who frequent the venue.
  4. Brooklyn Boulders is very spacious, modern, and well designed. The walls are made from smooth wood, as opposed to rock, giving it a very clean setting. However, this also draws some complains that you can’t really use good smearing techniques (where you press your feet against the walls for balance).
  5. Along with being a fun activity that can lead to some social interaction, climbing can be a great form of exercise.

Their website clearly states that, “the walls are aesthetically pleasing to everyone, not just experienced rock climbers.” So, try Brooklyn Boulders for some climbing fun!

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